Santa Clara Mayoral Candidate Becker Kicks Off “Interesting” Campaign

By Robert Haugh

Today, mayoral candidate Anthony Becker has his first major fundraiser. It’s at the Elks Lodge. His top supporters are Councilwoman Patty Mahan, former Councilman John McLemore and Kevin Park. It should be interesting.

The event is being catered by Mariani’s Restaurant. Now, that’s interesting. Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce director Lou Mariani has told people he’s dropped out of the PAC because it made a bunch of political errors in the past, like opposing incumbents who won big. Serving food at a Becker event must be an exception.

Becker’s campaign theme is interesting: “Time for a Change.” We think Santa Clarans are pretty happy with the direction of the Mission City. We hear that from community leaders and our neighbors. We’ve seen evidence of it in not just one but two polls.

We also found something else interesting about Becker as a candidate. He lists himself on the ballot as a “Videographer/Film Editor.” According to his Form 700, Becker works for CreaTV in San Jose. That’s the form that all candidates and officeholders have to fill out with the Fair Political Practices Commission.

According to his Form 700, Becker also works at Target in San Jose. He does “signage.” That’s interesting. According to his form, Becker makes the same level of income from both CreaTV and Target — over $10,000 in calendar year 2017. The form doesn’t ask for a specific amount. Those are his only two sources of income from last year.

We don’t see the mayoral race as a close one. Mayor Lisa Gillmor is too strong a candidate. But so far, the Becker campaign is proving to be interesting.


  1. You want someone to run the city that can’t keep a job for more than a couple of years. I will vote for someone who has a successful career with applicable life experiences.

    My compliments to the editor…

    • I have had a job for a couple years. I had up and down jobs adjusting to my school schedule and when my father was sick. That is what working people have to do.

      very classist thing to say

      I have had life experiences probably more than I can count.

    • Actually, the only comments removed are spam comments, duplicate comments (such as repeat comments copy and pasted multiple places) and comments that simply are vulgar and inappropriate.

  2. Fast forward to 2020, Anthony Becker will get my vote for councilmember. He’s stayed in the game, continued to learn, and had some very thoughtful responses to heated situations (which is more than I can say for most of these comments).

    Also… “Interesting”? What the hell kind of journalism is that? Makes me glad I asked your publisher to keep this biased rag off my stoop decades ago.

    • I’m the sole publisher of this site.
      You’re thinking of another publication.
      This is an online platform only.
      Thank you.

  3. The official definition of the word “whore” is “prostitute”. So, unfortunately for him, the only thing that comment verifies is Stan’s character.

    Anthony Becker, In my sometimes not so humble opinion is a bit young to run for mayor. I don’t judge or insult people based on how much education they’ve had through their life. I’ve known some amazingly brilliant people who never went to college and still did some amazing things to make the world a better place. However, a job like the one he’s trying to get doesn’t just take business experience which it appears he may not have enough, but more importantly takes much experience that a classroom doesn’t often teach and sometimes a “job” doesn’t always bring to a soul. If he did win, he will face times when he will have to go beyond himself and his own feelings to make decisions to benefit those who need that from him. Is he ready?

    To face someone like Mayor Lisa Gillmor is more than a tough battle. She has proven in many ways that she has the tough skin that it takes to get through not just the easy stuff, but more importantly, the hard stuff.

  4. Stan , how do you know what a whore is unless you have had a few. This just tells us what kind of a person you are. Why don’t people like you , get on a bus and get the h— out of town, You say Bress says it like it is? She is one angry person Is that what we want for mayor ? You don’t know when you have it good.

  5. Hosam and Richard hit on the one thing people leave out in many comments. When I write a resume I don’t concentrate on years of experience, I concentrate on Accomplishments. What did you accomplish? You don’t have to have direct experience in politics but outside of that what have you accomplished?
    Also I don’t recall Lisa talking about millennials wanting to live in boxes but I have heard many others suggesting that. People like Teresa and Kirk like to tell us that but I don’t recall Lisa suggesting that.

  6. Taking you at your word, background research is legitimate, but I hope it will be done similarly for both candidates, including business connections. Although people “know” and respect, likeable Mayor Gillmore, we should be looking for media to put all the cards on the table and deal fairly.
    Winnable or not, Anthony Becker is a good candidate to raise important issues that have been pushed to the wayside in these last several years of personal broad bashing. Housing, business development, traffic and City management that differently impact renters and homeowners, young and old, with a focus on the future, less the past, should be broad discussion elections can provide. It would be nice, and productive, to see that discussion vs. the single vision, “association” campaign tactics of 2016.
    Becker’s campaign will bring new perspectives regardless of the final vote counts, as interesting as those may be.

    • Hey, MOH, do you still think Becker and his campaign platform will bring new perspectives? No one has heard anything except continued rhetoric about how bad a mayor Gillmore has been since Jamie Matthews left Santa Clara high and dry. His latest video talks about how Gillmore wanted to put housing and soccer fields on Ullistac in 2013! What a frickin’ crock. Everyone knows Gillmore was fighting for the soccer park that matthews and his boys wanted to sell to the 49ers for nothing. Becker has nothing to offer to make change except continual bashing of his opponent. People are tired of BS lies.

  7. I agree, it’s not about the amount of money any one has. It’s about life experiences. Experiences for a candidate that matter to me such as education, career trajectory, volunteering, and personal success demonstrates many of the attributes needed to run the city. This can come in many forms.

    IMHO, having your life in order enables you to be able to focus more on the city.

  8. Experience can only come if given a chance. Everyone starts at everything with no experience. We all learn as we go. Why not give the youth, the 30 somethings, the 20 somethings a chance. We need fresh young minded people on our city council and mayor. Why not give your average Joe a shot. Not just your lawyers, real estate owners. Gillmor keeps saying the millennials WANT to live in these crammed townhouses with no yards. I call BS on that. All millennials I’ve talked to say different. Which is one reason why people moving out of state. We need fresh young minded people to not be afraid to face off against some one like Mayor Gillmor. Just like when Markus Bracamonte ran for city council in 2016 he was 22. Nothing wrong with that. Just means the youth is interested in local politics. Even if Mr Beck does not become mayor, at least he had the guts to do it when 99% of us wouldn’t even think of running even though we, Santa Clarans complain on how our city is being ran.

    • David, you gotta start somewhere. Tony is a planning commissioner and even mayor voted for him. It is good to show you want to learn not just go straight to the top? If you think you can walk in and go straight to the top that is scary. You don’t take the position seriously. Is there another agenda or is Tony serious? His actions cause concern.

  9. I think the 2nd half of this article (and certainly some comments) are a bit off the mark.

    It’s totally fine to critique someone’s experience.

    It’s totally fine to vet someone’s sources of income to ensure there is no underhanded money dealings.

    I DONT think it’s fine to judge a candidate based on how much income they make or what kind of job they have as a source of income.

    A lot of us are struggling to make ends meet especially given the Bay Area’s economy. That shouldn’t bear any weight on whether or not a candidate qualifies for the position they seek. What matters is whether or not they are simply the more qualified candidate, and that determination can be made based on what accomplishments they’ve done in the past.

    I think the 2nd half of this article (and many of the comments) focuses on the wrong thing. I think it would be fair to Anthony to correct the record on this.

    • Hosam,

      Your point is valid. But I didn’t mean to criticize Becker’s work. We’ve all had to take on multiple jobs and odd jobs to get by at times, including me. I just found it “interesting” that he doesn’t disclose it anywhere except his Form 700. I think it’s fair to point it out because Becker is running for mayor, not applying for a commission.

  10. Robert, Thank you for this news report. I stand by my previous comments about Becker. Mahan, McLemore and Park supporting someone who clearly is not a leader nor remotely qualified. Putting their reputations at risk, for what? It appears that the HATE for Mayor Gillmor is the reason. Losing your integrity to prove a calculated point. Mahan should stop all this negativity that she has created and then blames Mayor Gillmor! Does Mahan even have a soul?
    Henry, I believe that you are Deborah Bress past candidate for mayor. You need to get your facts straight before you rant on! Unbecoming of another “serious” mayoral candidate.
    Stan, a whore? you sound like a true woman hater, seek therapy!

    • Marilyn … I don’t know you and you don’t know me , , and I’m not a chick either … I’m sure Ms, Bress has the balls to speak for herself. If you know her so well, has she ever held back saying anything she believes? I’ve heard her at council meetings … seems she always shoots straight with the truth. I’m me … but thanks for the compliment … Santa Clara wouldn’t be in the toilet it’s in if people had listened to Ms. Bress all the times she asked the right questions and wanted details and called BS on the BS!

      You seem to be the one who needs some facts lady. Do you know when Lisa started in politics and that she had ZERO experience when she started too? Guess what … everyone starts with ZERO experience … it is time to vote the experienced egomaniac out of office … we’ve had enough of her experience … it hurts and is too expensive and Santa Clara can’t afford it anymore, Lisa still hasn’t answered WHAT is wrong with the districts that requires OUR MILLIONS and now more MILLIONS in an appeal??? What for her ego??

      What are you so afraid of? What is so afraid of? Let’s hear all about it at the citizens forum … when is that scheduled? Can’t wait to hear Lisa answer the public … finally!

  11. Becker has enough part-time jobs. Other than a couple of months on the Planning Commission he has nothing to offer the City of Santa Clara. Perhaps after the fundraiser tonight he can afford to buy a new bong.

    You got a question the motivation of the fools backing Becker. Dumb and dumber..

  12. Horseshit Liberal Media denigrating one of it’s own. Typical liberals. I think it’s obvious who the real loser is and it’s the current liberal whore in office.

    • There is much conversation in the nation and the community at large about the effect of positive women role models making important change. Clearly, STAN has a problem with that. Namecalling doesn’t help your position, STAN. It only helps the Mayor. Progressive politics is good STAN. Come to the light.

  13. Becker Dude,

    You’re like 33 years old. Get a real job. I surf like 4 days a week. But I got like a real job, dude.

  14. Becker wants to be mayor and he works at Target on signage?

    Good research, Santa Clara News. That tells us a lot.

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