49ers Won’t Pay Extra for Police Costs, Traffic Control for Christmas Day Game

By Robert Haugh

On Christmas Day, the 49ers will play the Baltimore Ravens at Levi’s Stadium.

But traffic could be a nightmare because the team won’t pay extra costs for Santa Clara police officers and other City employees to work on Christmas Day.

According to City policy and practice for 49er games that take place on a holiday, double-time pay is used to attract officers and employees to give up the holiday with their families. This has been the practice for some holiday games in the past.

City Manager Jovan Grogan reported last night that in 2017 the 49ers paid double time for people who worked on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day.

That arrangement was negotiated by former City Manager Deanna Santana.

Councilmember Suds Jain made a motion for the Stadium Authority to use Stadium Authority money to pay employees that the 49ers won’t.

But Councilmember Kathy Watanabe made a substitute motion that the 49ers should pay the full amount because under Jain’s motion money would be potentially diverted from the City’s general fund to benefit the 49ers.

Mayor Lisa Gillmor argued that City staff should “negotiate harder” as Santana had done to force the team to pay the full cost for stadium security.

The Council then voted unanimously to direct Grogan to renegotiate with the team. 

Let’s hope Grogan can be as successful as Santana and Christmas Day won’t see a traffic nightmare and neighborhood vandalism in North Santa Clara.


  1. May the 49er mgmt get locked up by SCPD just like the Grinch did today if they don’t pay hardworking City staff on CHRISTMAS DAY! And may karma bite them with a BIG LOSS!

    • And there you have it, Jed Cheap A$$! Hope the rest of season goes down in flames!

      It’s called KARMA!

  2. A very recent court ruling by a 3 person appeal board went the 49ers way in their atttempt to weasel out of paying property taxes to the City of Santa Clara. The 49ers continue to rip off and give the middle finger to our citizens, while the 49er5 are complicit and do NOTHING. This ruling equates hundreds of millions of dollars less to the Santa Clara Unified School District.

    “Despite an appeal by the Santa Clara County Assessor Larry Stone, a judge has ruled that the $6 million assessment of the San Francisco 49ers’ property tax at Levi’s Stadium will stand. In a ruling issued in late November, Superior Court Judge Helen Williams rejected Stone’s challenge to the 2019 Assessment Appeals Board (AAB) valuation….At issue is a 2019 ruling by the AAB, which says that the 49ers only owe $6 million in property taxes annually, half of the $12 million assessed value of Levi’s Stadium. In its ruling, the AAB said it’s because the team only uses the stadium for approximately six months of the year….The AAB is a three-person panel independent of the Assessor and trained by the State Board of Equalization. The panel is made up of property tax professionals, CPAs, attorneys and appraisers who are appointed by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors (no chance of any conflicts of interests LOL). The ruling means that the 49ers will pay $180 million in property taxes over the next 30 years of the team’s lease.” (rather than the approximate $500 million the Forty Niners should have paid) https://www.svvoice.com/judge-upholds-49ers-property-tax-ruling/

    I watched the city council meeting, and the extra amount requested from the 49ers to pay for extra public safety for those giving up Christmas with their families to work on Christmas Day was only $110,000, peanuts to the 49ers. Yet, the 49ers refuse to pay for this pocket change. Ironic since the 49ers spent millions and millions to buy our city council.

    The 49ers at the corporate level are nothing more than legalized thieves who have invested in politics and are free to pull, without a second thought, the lever of whichever bought politician can serve them best on that particular day.

    The day cannot come quick enough when the 5 are either removed or voted out of office.

    • Observation could not agree any more.
      So stupid, so sick, so short sighted, So NFL Owner like.
      Bruce Springsteen had it right all along. 1978 Album “Darkness on the Edge of Town”

      “Poor man wanna be rich
      Rich man wanna be King
      And a King ain’t satisfied til he rules everything”

      Just remember, whatever the 49ers want you to do, just do the opposite.
      Merry Christmas to all
      Burt Field

  3. It is absolutely ridiculous that the city of Santa Clara and its citizens should have to pay anything regarding a 49r game, period! When the contract was initiated the issue of who pays for what, including extra security, cops for traffic, etc., should have been included. What kind of bozo’s are looking after the city’s best interest anyway?

  4. Interesting that city manager said 49ers didn’t pay last year for Christmas Eve. From council discussion, seems no one knew that. What’s up with that?

  5. Gosh why do the 49ers need santa clara police? Why does the city have to pay to protect 49er fans?

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