BREAKING: 49ers Owner Jed York to Represent Anthony Becker as Co-Counsel in Perjury Trial

By Robert Haugh

In major breaking news, 49ers Owner Jed York has announced that he will serve as co-counsel for Santa Clara Vice Mayor Anthony Becker’s upcoming perjury trial.

“Everyone deserves a vigorous defense,” York told the Santa Clara Weakly. “No matter how guilty they may be or appear to be.”

York’s public role is not a complete surprise. York has taken a more visible public role lately.

For years, York has remained out of the public limelight. After he fired former 49er coach Jim Harbaugh, York was blamed by the 49er Faithful for driving off a winning coach.

Some fans even flew a banner over Levi’s Stadium asking that York be fired.

But in the week leading up to Super Bowl LVIII earlier this year, York did public interviews taking credit for the 49ers’ recent success.

York even outsmarted a reporter who tried to get him to talk about Becker.

“That’s when I knew he was the right guy to defend me,” said Becker who was waiting in line at Target buying a burner phone.

District Attorney Jeff Rosen was surprised by Becker’s legal move, but didn’t seem intimidated by York’s addition to the legal team.

“I have complete confidence in the ability of Deputy DA Jason Malinsky to hold a public official accountable for serious acts of public corruption using overwhelming evidence,” said Rosen.  

“And if York is such a smarty pants, why did he fire Harbaugh and hire Jim Tomsula?”

Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Peterson said she was not concerned that York’s presence would turn the courtroom into a media circus. 

“I don’t care who sits at Becker’s defense table,” she said. “As long as it’s not Sourdough Sam.  He’s super annoying.”

York is taking a political risk by representing Becker since many Santa Clarans will consider this a continuation of the team’s efforts to take over the City Council.

Since 2020, the team has spent millions of dollars to elect the 49er Five, including Becker. 

They’ve paid back the team with major concessions on lawsuit settlements that have cost Santa Clara taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. 

York held a press conference outside Santa Clara County Superior Court to answer questions.

“He’s our guy,” York said of Becker. “Everyone knows Becker’s got major financial problems. But he scratches our back and we scratch his so to speak.”

“What did you expect us to do? asked York. Discretely pay some law firm to represent Becker and deny we’re involved?” 

“That would be like a dumb April Fool’s Joke. Nobody would believe that.” 

York laughed and excused himself to answer a call coming in from a burner phone.

Editor’s Note:  Happy April Fool’s Day.  In the coming days, Santa Clara News Online will have more news information on Becker’s new co-counsel and trial date.


  1. Thanks, my only April Fool’s joke this year, and a good one! You had me until the burner phone!

  2. Robert, I hope you and your investigative skills will get to the bottom of what’s really going on here.


  3. Again, I was Halfway through when I consulted my calendar. About at the burner phone part. Thanks for the laugh.

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