Santa Clara City Council Meets Today to Discuss 49ers’ Demand That the Public Pay for Public Safety Costs and VIP Buffet

By Robert Haugh

The Santa Clara City Council is meeting today in a special executive session at 5:30 p.m. to consider settling two legal disputes.

The 49ers sued the City and have given an April 19 deadline. They say it’s their best and final offer.

The deadline is believed by many to make sure that indicted City Councilmember Anthony Becker can vote on the settlement before his trial.  

The San Francisco Chronicle evaluated the deal and ran a story this weekend.  Here’s what they concluded:

The San Francisco 49ers are pushing the city of Santa Clara to settle two multimillion-dollar disputes over the team’s operation of Levi’s Stadium, but a Chronicle review of city documents shows much of the $18 million in promised benefits would not actually come from the 49ers.

Instead, the team proposed tapping the publicly owned stadium’s demolition fund, money set aside for the expensive task of demolishing the structure at the end of its useful life, and transferring that money to the city.

The 49ers’ proposal also would double the city ticket surcharge on non-NFL events at the stadium from $4 to $8, according to the documents. That money would be spent on police protection at 49ers home games.

The full story is on MSN and not behind a paywall.

“That’s already our own money,” Mayor Lisa Gillmor told the Chronicle on Friday. “Just like the last settlement agreement, they’re talking about settling it with our own money. The narrative they’re putting out there is really misleading and deceptive.”

Gillmor also said this to the Chronicle:

“I strongly oppose and will call out any attempt to offer discounts on public safety costs, where they pay less than the actual costs and the public absorbs it,” she said. “We don’t allow that for any other business in our city.”

According to the Chronicle, the team is also demanding that the public pay for VIP buffet costs of $4 million even though they haven’t sent any bills to the Stadium Authority for years.

This will be the second major legal settlement of lawsuits initiated by the team that the City Council will consider. 

In 2022, the 49er Five gave into the team on another settlement agreement. The Chronicle evaluated the previous deal and found out that it was a fraction of what the team said it was.

Ethicist Dr. Tom Shanks called it “funny money.”

The circumstances for this settlement look like they’re repeating themselves.

This is a developing story. 


  1. This is a legal matter. Why is only a local political—Gillmor—quoted and interviewed to assert Santa Claran’s rights and liberties in the San Francisco Chronicle?

    Incredibly **our** city Attorney Glen Googins did not reach out to offer a position in favor to “zealously advocate” for our Beloved Santa Clara. Neither did City Manager Jōvan Grogan.

    Isaish 6:8: “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Googins and Grogan do not hesitate to turn their BACKS on us Santa Clarans.

    Why not? It has always been very clear in the manner these two individuals were hired as “GUNSLINGERS” who are handsomely paid to destroy what their employers—the 49er 5—wish to accomplish in deference to “cattle baron” (or mafiaso godfather) Jed York. Gunslingers generally have no conscience, code of morality, or set of decent values. Of course not. Gunslingers destroy for a price. Tweedledee and Tweedledum will go elsewhere while us Santa Clarans are left in the wake of their destruction and carnage.

    The silence of our elected city officials is deafening.

    At LEAST Lisa Gillmor is speaking in favor of Santa Clarans.

    Reminds me of Niemöller’s quote.

    ..First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
    .……..Because I was not a socialist.
    …Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
    ……..Because I was not a trade unionist.
    ..Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    ……..Because I was not a Jew.
    ..Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Thank you Mayor Gillmor to stand up for us Santa Clarans while so many in “elected office” prosper by victimizing the Citizens of Santa Clara whilst remaining silent and not speaking on our City’s behalf.

    POSTSCRIPT. The 49er 5’s fearless leader has dictated his narrative today on this matter in zee Silicon Valley Der Stürmer—as good little soldiers—complied…to keep their Big Lie…alive. Shameful & Totally against Santa Clara citizens.

  2. Clean out the crooked City Council members and take control of the Stadium!! The 49er’s are liars, and the Santa Clara citizens and taxpayers are the ones footing the bill, RIDICULOUS!!!

  3. Awful! Come on SC city council do the right thing for our city. Do not play with our money. Do not let our money become “funny money “
    Let’s be winners for a change!

  4. Tony won’t be there in-person. He’ll be up in the beautiful Lake Tahoe region to enjoy swooshing down the slopes with other notables of high society and Dom Pérignon connoisseurs.

    “Vice Mayor Becker will participate remotely from the following location:
    ##### South Lake Tahoe, CA ######”

    If his high-profile attorney is taking his case as “pro bono” (i.e., for free) as would be the case if Tony is “destitute,” what does it say that he is up in ritzy ski country—typically an expensive past time? Or is he hiding body language that otherwise would overtly convey his guilt if in-person? Or, maybe he has mental health issues requiring disconnecting from his situation (for which I would understand, and perhaps he needs it.)?

    See tonight’s agenda packet… first page…

    Check him out here:

  5. Two teams are better than one:
    Just recently the voters in Kansas City voted down a one billion dollar bond to upgrade the football and baseball stadiums. “ some smart people in Kansas City”

    Now Levi stadium was built for two team stadium. And in the agreement the city would benefit greatly if the KC Chiefs were to make Levi their home. Another team wouldn’t only be financially beneficial but would keep the 49ers in line. We would finally see how much money comes into the city from a football team.

    • Yes, I remember very early on there was talk of the Raiders being the other team, when no one knew about the two-team set up. But KC was talked about also. I was opposed to it at that time, but it is sounding better all the time. Might be just the ticket to take the wind out of the niners’ sails.

  6. 49ers scam proposal

    Our Mayor is 100% correct, Larry Mc Neil Jed”s henchmen make it sounds like the 49ers is giving the city millions. When in fact that they are trying to scam millions from the city coffers. The 49er 7, 5 plus the city manger attorney will once again screw the residents and do what wrong for the city.

  7. Anyone else just sick of this… Seems like they have an unlimited budget to screw around with us, and I say unlimited because it’s our money they are spending.

    I was shocked to learned just the other Day, that another company in our Town is doing really well. I mean really, really well.
    This company does not cause us any issues, problem or headaches. This one company has never once tried to mess with our City Council, or get some Sock Puppet elected as our Mayor.
    I was shocked to find out that NVIDIA is 442 X’s greater in Value than the SF 49ers.
    The SF 49ers may be worth Billions…. NVIDIA is worth Trillions.
    One of the key members of the NVIDIA upper Management team has reached out to our Mayor to see how maybe they can help our City in some way.
    Imagine a company in our City actually trying to help us… what a cool concept.

    So why am I taking more time out of my life to write this? I have faith and hope in our ability to look and see past all the BS that the 40Whiners are throwing at us on a daily basis.

    Real simpler
    40Whiners want us to say yes, we say no.
    40Whiners tell us to turn Left, we turn Right.
    40Whiners want us to sit, we stand.

    We just turned back Measure A and Measure B with epic results. Congratulations!! Let’s keep this trend going.

    How can you tell any of the 49er 4 (Indicted Sock Puppet’s don’t count) are lying? Their lips are moving.

    Burt Field

  8. With running for reelection this year it will be interesting to see how Jain and Park vote. This will definitely show Santa Clara citizens where their loyalty lies. Money for their campaigns or money owed the city! Wish I had a better feeling about the outcome.

    • They showed their loyalty wasting $500k of city money on a stupid measure to get rid of the police chief. Hope they learned from that mess.

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