Santa Clara Approves 196 Affordable Units in Tasman East

By Robert Haugh

At the May 7, 2019 meeting, the City Council approved an affordable housing project. Kudos to the Council because our community needs it.

Irvine Company exec Carlene Matchniff said at the Council meeting that it’s the largest affordable housing project being built in California right now. Wow.

The Irvine Company has an agreement with St. Anton that will bring a 196-unit affordable apartment community to Santa Clara. It was part of the Irvine Company’s deal to build Santa Clara Square.

The project will consist of:

  • 37 very low-income units,

  • 158 low-income units and

  • one manager’s unit

All units will be available to individuals who earn less than $55,200 annually.

The development will be in the Tasman East Specific Plan area at 2233 Calle Del Mundo. The St. Anton apartment community will replace an existing warehouse.  They’re anticipating to start construction in early 2020.

“Giving the go-ahead to the St. Anton project is a wonderful way to commemorate Affordable Housing Week,” said Mayor Lisa Gillmor. “This is a 100% affordable housing project, and it shows how requiring affordable housing obligations for new developments, like Santa Clara Square, can benefit all people who want to live in our community.”

For more info about the St. Anton project, visit the project webpage.


  1. 200 down, how many more to go? In other words, this doesn’t even scratch the surface of need, although I am sure everyone involved has the best intentions and those lucky enough, literally lottery winners most likely, will appreciate it. I just read about a new development in North Santa Clara was said to create 25,000 jobs. All of those new jobs mean new people living in the area. Plus all the other job growth all throughout this area. The new development calls for under 2k new homes. Why not require developments to build or coordinate with others to build housing equal to the need that it creates? Why wasn’t Apple required to build housing with its new campus? The only answer to high housing prices is radically increase supply. If the area is going to grow, people need places to live.

  2. One big step for the working class, one giant leap for Santa Clara standards on affordable housing.
    This is the first of hopefully many projects that are developed for low income. When many hear low income their is a fear or stigma attached to it. Yet if people do look closer, low income is usually the backbone of local economies it is not the ‘riff-raff’ they assume it to be. Usually it’s their neighbors, their friends, or even their family. Being wealthy is a blessing while others consider a roof over their head to be of the same worth.
    Assumptions are the reasons why many fail to communicate or legislate affordable housing. This right here is finally a break for the working class in Santa Clara, a city which has modernly been predominately known for high income earners.
    It gives individuals a chance to be independent and not dependent on a system nor co-dependent on having to have multiple roommates. 196 is a low number, I woulda love to see 230 at least and maximize the density in this corridor which could be done versus where it is frowned upon in our older neighborhoods.
    I give kudos to our council and city for listening to the people and getting this going. Not everyone here makes six figures, lots of individuals work multiple jobs and i think the writer here knows that too. How great is that an individual who makes $55,000 or less can have a roof over their head!! This is a great head start program for many millennials trying to make a break for it out of mom and dads house or living with other family or friends. It is also great for seniors who are on fixed incomes and can’t afford market rate or overpriced ‘senior housing’.

    i find the quote from Mayor Gillmor to be politically timed yet politically worthy “Giving the go-ahead to the St. Anton project is a wonderful way to commemorate Affordable Housing Week”. A major kudos because you and others are giving many a chance to achieve independence. I just hope that this is one of many projects in the pipeline that you will greenlight in favor of the working class, the teachers, police officers, the Starbucks worker, and the local grocery store clerk. Santa Clara should favor projects of this magnitude, and provide housing for city employees, teachers, and senior housing that isn’t beyond their means.

  3. Even at 100000 per year the rents here are almost unaffordable. How do people get some relief that are paying close to 40% of their income for a basic apartment.

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