City Council Majority Hires New City Attorney for $345,000 Salary But Doesn’t Know His Total Compensation Cost to City

By Robert Haugh

A majority of the Santa Clara City Council voted to change the City’s salary structure to pay new City Attorney Glen Googins’ $345,000 per year.

It was a required administrative action according to the outside consultants managing the City Attorney search process.

The City had to update the salary structure since the Council majority approved Googins and his salary at the January 10 meeting.

But last night the Council voted on his salary without knowing the full cost of his benefits. The consultant didn’t have the numbers last night. Wow.

Last week, community leader Debbie Tryforos wrote an opinion piece stating it was fiscally irresponsible to vote for a City Attorney without knowing his full compensation.

But that’s what happened. The vote was 4-3.

Councilmembers Raj Chahal, Karen Hardy, Suds Jain and Kevin Park voted yes.

Mayor Lisa Gillmor, Councilmembers Anthony Becker and Kathy Watanabe voted no.

Becker flipped and voted no on the salary structure change even though Becker previously voted to hire Googins and pay him $345,000. Huh?

Becker gave no explanation for his no vote. He just gave a long speech about how previous administrations were irresponsible. 


  1. They just keep giving us more and more information for the recall…..Keep it up FIVE – it’s going to be so easy to remove some of you now.

    • Can we search for the. Suds jain 6 million?? Hope none of you use MediCal, Suds does not approve.

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