See Jed York’s Reaction to Question About Anthony Becker at Press Conference

By Robert Haugh

49ers CEO Jed York held a press conference yesterday and answered questions about the team on the way to the Super Bowl.

By the looks of his reaction, he probably didn’t expect a “non football” question from a reporter.

York has kept out of the limelight since the Jim Harbaugh firing. He’s done few press conferences about football or non football issues.

He’s even tried to stay in the background of local politics. 

York hasn’t appeared at City Hall or any Santa Clara community events since the stadium opened ten years ago.

But according to multiple sources, York is directing the political effort in Santa Clara.

His top executive Rahul Chandhok has done most of York’s political work since the team decided to get involved in local politics in 2016 and take over the City Council in 2020.

Chandhok was caught in a major political scandal.

Indicted Vice Mayor Anthony Becker leaked a critical Grand Jury report to Chandhok.

Chandhok was also tied up in efforts to intimidate the Grand Jury.

Shortly after the negative news broke, Chandhok left the 49ers for a job with the United States Soccer Federation.

So far, York has avoided any responsibility for the situation even though he’s in charge.

You can see his “nonresponse” to a “non football” question at this link (14:30 mark).


  1. So this is what a Newspaper is suppose to look and act like?
    It’s crazy that not a single Newspaper with a publication and delivery of over a 100 households a month in our local area has had anything to print about what is happening with the 49ers in our own City. I don’t waste a moment wondering why? My only questions is, does it have to be so painfully obvious?

    Try and explain to anyone that is not working for or with the 49ers how The Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle and SF Gate all have leading “Front Page” investigative type stories. All covered by some of the biggest, best investigative reporters in our country. All trying to break their own stories first.
    Yet, locally, all we get is why we should vote to remove the Elected Police Chief and City Clerk?
    Curious is maybe the fairest, nicest way I can describe their collective lack of action, care or concern. Typically any real news media is going to offer some sort of slant on the local news. Hell, show me any local “rag” that even mentions the fact that a 49er Council Member has a court date just in a few Days?
    Vote No on Prop A (Keep our Elected City Clerk)
    Vote No on Prop B (Keep our Elected Chief of Police)

    Subscribe to the SF Chronicle, SF Gate, or Wall Street Journal if you want to learn more about Santa Clara.

    Burt Field
    And I do wonder where the possible Super Bowl Victory Parade will be held if the 49ers end up winning the game on Feb 11th?
    Personally I think Los Banos, Chowchilla, or even Stockton have have a better shot at hosting the Parade than our City.

  2. Thank you Robert for being the lone voice of investigative journalism into the dark side of our city government and their incestuous relationship with the 49ers. I believe your reporting was the catalyst for national and even international publications who are now doing their own investigations.

    Whether it is the Chron, Wall Street, SF Gate, etc, I have sent an email of thanks to each of the investigate reporters who wrote the article and express my gratitude for unveiling the layer upon layer of corruption and the reporters appreciate the feedback.

    Robert, would you consider publishing the Publications, investigative reporters, and their respective emails in case others would like to do the same and perhaps pin it or have links to their stories and contact info? I think the more feedback they get the more light of day this will get, especially with all the media coverage with Super Bowl?? Maybe this next week with the media frenzy a one-time opportunity will be there to expose the rot.

  3. Super Bowl Week press conferences with Jeddy will be fun. He’s fair game for all kinds of questions now! Good job Ron Kroichek!

  4. Some of you guys wake up every morning from the same perverse, delusional dream that some multi-millionaire is invading Santa Clara. If Jed York had something to do with Anthony Becker’s indictment, you four and Nikolai would be waiving another DA statement around with York’s name all over it. But you’re not, because there is no direct connection between the two.

    For all others who don’t wake up to a delusional fantasy involving York and Becker, here is a short list of the positive things Jed York has done for this community…

    $1,000,000 to local charities
    • Silicon Valley Community Foundation
    • San Francisco Foundation

    Nine police associations support and signed “Pledge for a More Understanding and Safer America” with Jed York at Levi’s Stadium..
    • San Jose Police officers’ Association
    • Santa Clara Police Officers’ Association
    • Los Angeles Police Protective League
    • NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association
    • Oakland Police Officers’ Association
    • Long Beach Police Officers Association
    • Portland Police Association
    • Deputy Sheriffs’ Association of Santa Clara County
    • Sacramento Police Officers Association

    • Hey delusional!

      You forgot about the $14M Jed Boy clawed back from the school kids! How much did he claw back from the community college? And the city? He dangles carrots only to snatch them back!

      His hatred of Lisa Gillmor has clouded his judgement. She occupies the stadium suite in his head! His heart is hardened. Just like the Grinch. He giveth just to taketh away.

      Whatta guy!

    • And how much did each association get as a donation as they signed with a poisoned pen? Jed knows he needs to pay to play.

    • How soon people forget about the PACsJed created in his own name to unseat Mayor Gillmor and stick Becker in the seat – not once but twice. York and Becker are tied together tighter than shoelaces.

  5. I believe the reporter who asked the question was Ron Kroichick of the Chronicle. Their writers are not afraid to call Jed and the 49er admin out. They actually report the news and not just kiss their a$$. Unlike the other newspaper in the South Bay.

    • To York, Becker is not a human; but a thing. I will give Mr Haugh credit. He is a human as is Field, Vartan, KW; Hardy, Chahal
      LG is a human and a leader. This is what York hates.

      Jain and Park are dolls to play with.
      Becker toYork is a thing that is used.

  6. It didn’t take him log to realize he had no acceptable answer to that question. It was just kinda a yes or no, ‘do you regret pouring all that money into the election’ given the outcome and legal entanglements? I’m pretty sure if the answer was no, he would have said no.

  7. You gotta watch the difference in Baby Faced York’s voice before and after that great question. He got rattled like a 7.0 earthquake. Would love to know what reporter asked that seismic question! 😂😂

    • He’s gonna be doing more interviews since he’s in the Super Bowl and I hope somebody continues to ask him the same kind of questions. The public needs to know?

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