Santa Clara City Councilmember Kevin Park Attends Charitable Events Without Paying

By Robert Haugh

Numerous volunteers of local nonprofits have complained to Santa Clara News Online (SCNO) about City Councilmember Kevin Park attending their events and not paying.

The most recent event occurred at the Libarypalooza fundraiser held on Saturday, May 11, 2024, to benefit Mission City libraries.

SCNO received an email from Santa Clara Libary Trustee Lee Broughman that she sent to City Hall on May 15, four days after the event.  Here it is:

Dear Mayor and City Council:

I understand that some council members felt that they did not have to  pay to attend the Library Lalopaooza but it was a fund raiser.  The Mayor and City Council member Kathy Watanabe paid and also bid on an auction item.  One council member even brought their wife and child and a child friend.

Lee Broughman, BOLT

Broughman did not mention Park but implied that he was the “council member” who did not pay.  

She received no response to her email … until yesterday.

At 8:30 a.m. on May 21, SCNO sent an email to the Mayor and City Council members asking if they attended the event and paid for a ticket.

Mayor Lisa Gillmor and Kathy Watanabe confirmed they paid, as Broughman stated.  Councilmember Raj Chahal also emailed SCNO that he attended and paid. 

Park did not respond to SCNO’s email.

But he responded to Broughman’s May 15 email – just nine hours after SCNO’s email question was sent to City Hall yesterday.

Park informed Broughman that a check was made out a week ago but it may not have been received yet. (So the check is in the mail).

Here’s a timeline of these events:

  • May 11 – Librarypalooza Fundraiser
  • May 15 – Broughman emails a complaint to City Hall about a Councilmember not paying
  • May 21 – SCNO sends inquiry to Mayor and Council (8:30 a.m.)
  • May 21 – Park responds to Broughman’s May 15 email (5:40 p.m.)
  • ??? – Park’s check arrives

Maybe Broughman should be a board member of every local nonprofit that sells tickets to a fundraiser.

Park and Chahal enjoying food at the Librarypalooza fundraiser on May 11.


  1. If tickets cost money. Then attending without paying is a gift, subject to FPPC regulations.

    • Form 700 should look interesting this year. Kevin is good at taking travel trips on Korean government’s dime. What else?

  2. The story says his wife was at the event. That true? Park’s wife hasn’t been seen in the community for a long time.

    • Mission City Resident asked a good question. If anyone was at the event, please report if Park’s wife was in attendance.

    • Park was there with 2 kids. Didn’t notice a wife. Has anyone ever seen a mom?

  3. So Park owes $500 since he didn’t purchase tickets before price went up to $125 on May 1. Nice donation to library foundation!

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