Santa Clara Councilman Anthony Becker Wants to Remove Planning Commissioner One Month After He Made Motion to Appoint Him

By Robert Haugh

A strange thing happened at Tuesday’s Santa Clara City Council meeting.

Councilmember Anthony Becker asked his colleagues to agendize an item next week to remove a Planning Commissioner. Here’s what Becker wrote:

I would like both [sic] the removal of (Dr.) Ron Patrick from Planning Commission for providing inaccurate or incomplete information on his application and the appointment of Mario Bouza to the Planning Commission as well have [sic] this item placed on the July 5, 2022 meeting agenda.

Councilman Anthony Becker
Councilman Anthony Becker

Patrick was appointed to the Planning Commission on June 6th after Council interviews. Becker made the motion to appoint him. Yup. No kidding.

“I know we have information from the City Attorney’s office about what you’re trying to do,” said Mayor Lisa Gillmor. “And I don’t believe we have any authority to do that.”

“I’d like not to get into the specifics of the advice that the City Attorney’s office provided.” said acting City Attorney Steve Ngo. He’s from the Lozano Smith law firm.

“Any advice, to the extent that the Council had no authority to take action, we can address it before the next agenda.”

Ngo seemed really nervous. He clearly didn’t want to address the issue publicly.  You can watch his answer here.  But looks like Becker is pushing him and some legal limit.

Dr. Patrick was at the meeting and address the Council publicly. You can watch his 2-minute address here.

Patrick laid out the legal research to show his residency. 

“I also wonder why such attention is spent toward me,” Patrick said. “I do some work for the DOD (Department of Defense) and there’s research on me for that.”

He speculated that there may be some unknown political agendas at work.

The 49er Five voted to agendize the issue. Councilmembers Becker, Raj Chahal, Suds Jain, Karen Hardy and Kevin Park voted yes.

Gillmor and Councilwoman Kathy Watanabe voted against the motion.

“This is not very transparent,” Watanabe said.


  1. Becker got his way and removed Ron Patrick last night. Ron Patrick must be a real threat to someone for Becker to do this. City vets all applicants and said this about Ron Patrick:

    Ron Patrick indicates that he is self-employed, and does not provide any further details. The
    application discloses neither incompatible offices nor apparent conflicts of interest.

    So what’s the problem Becker?

  2. How ironic that 3 days after Becker does this he is now a candidate for recall. Karma, Becker. It is alive and well.

  3. Becker didnt check with his Daddy Jed prior to appointing Dr. Patrick to planning commission. Now he has to follow his Daddy Jed’s orders and remove Patrick and appoint Jeds pick.

  4. Steve Ngo is denying any request for records about Becker from members of the public. Ngo denied a request to see 15 emails from the 49ers to Becker about the sign repair issue. Ngo who ran sf college board with support from blupac organizer doug chan classified ALL BECKER EMAILS. WORK PRODUCT

    • Shady Steve Ngo is denying public record requests that include all the sneaky illegal gifts, conflict of interests, meetings, emails and texts between the 49er 5 and Rahul, Jed, Manco etc that prove the 49er 5 are bought and paid for by Jed they are representing the 49ers not the city of Santa Clara. Big surprise they hired Ngo and now that he is onboard. THE 49er 5 + Ngo =49er 6

  5. Time to remove the low hanging fruit for inaccurate information and serving on city council under false pretenses.

  6. Becker wants to be sure no one smarter than him ever serves as a planning commissioner.

  7. I wish Lisa did the same thing when she appointed Becker to the planning commission years ago. Huge mistake.

  8. It’s great for Becker to pave his political history with stupidity and missteps. If he finishes out this term he’ll never be elected again. His ignorance is overwhelming.

  9. Steve Ngo has a history of fppc fines. He has declared that Becker Jain Park emails are confidential. Fire lozano. Support??

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